Mag Cover 

    NME Jake Bugg

This edition uses a new and upcoming artist Jake Bugg for the front cover. The cover is attention grabbing through the contrasting colours, banners and badges which include information of articles in the magazine. 
'Jake Bugg' is wrote in a larger font than the title, this draws attention to Jake and then to the caption below which develops the audiences initial impression of him saying he is 'The enemy of X Factor'.  The image of Jake works well with the different colourful fonts as it is black and white, therefore allows the front to stand out and differentiate clearly between the text and image. Various names of well known people in the music industry are mentioned on the front of the magazine, this attracts the audience and conforms to lots of music magazines as they all want to appeal to a large audience. Such as 'Noel Gallagher' mentioned with Jake Bugg, Noel Gallagher is wrote in yellow to stand out as he is such a well known, musical inspiration to many. Unlike many other music magazines there are smaller images on the front cover along with the main image. The smaller images are fairly low key and don't initially grab the audiences attention, but on a closer inspection they open up more about what is included in the magazine.

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