Mag Eval

   Q Tinie Tempah
The Tinie Tempah Q edition is a special 25th Anniversary edition. The cover appears different to the traditional Q Magazine covers. The cover does conform to several normal Q features. Such as one main large photo of a musical icon, the slogan is slightly covered and the artists name across the front of the photo. All three features make the magazine still feel like a Q cover but the variations make the magazine noticeably different and a collectors item.
Normally the Q magazines used a selected colour scheme based around red, white and black.In this edition there is more variety with pink and blue, used to link with Tinie's shirt in the picture. The front cover includes less information about what is in side the magazine than most Q's. The font used is made to look hand written and 'Tinie Tempah' is wrote like a signature, this edition appears more personal. 
The magazine cover also has a border, unlike most Q covers; This makes the cover look like a picture. The cover features a lot of artists names which are featured in the magazine, this would appeal to the audience as they are likely to have an interested in a few or more. Using a lot of artists shows the magazine is a special edition as normally Q would only have several artists featured inside. The photo of Tinie Tempah appears to come forward from the magazine, created using Photoshop to cut his head out of the background, often used in magazine covers it gives the front dimension and interacts with the audience more.

Looking at this cover was useful as it taught me that some magazines have alternations of the normal conventions if the magazine is a special edition. I could compare this cover to the other Q magazine covers I have looked at. I could see how this edition keeps some iconic features but manages to give the cover such a different appearance without losing the feeling of being a Q magazine. If I was considering doing a one off edition of my magazine cover or just a magazine I wanted to stand out, this magazine would definitely be something I'd look at again in even more detail. 

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