NME contents page

ImageThis contents page is from NME magazine. The magazine has used two colour images. The first one is a low angle mid-shot of the lead singer from Friendly Fires during a performance in a concert. The image draws the audiences attention to the bizarre twist of the singer dancing with an interesting looking show girl. The bold text below the image encourages the audience to the read more into the magazine.
Although the magazine aims to promote artists and bands, it also has to keep its own customer base and popularity up therefore a colour image used is copy of NME’s cover which  is an offer promoting the audience to buy more copies of NME in the future.  The offer is large and with a bold font so that the audiences vision is drawn to the advert imediently. The contents features 5 categories to the right side discussing the features of the magazine, this is an easy way of breaking down the magazine. It is very organised which is aesthetically pleasing to an audience. Unorganized pages may put audiences off carrying on reading anymore of the magazine if they cant simply find what they want to read about or what the magazine has to offer. NME use block colours and bold fonts to stand out and also keep the page looking neat and organised.  
The colours used for the font and background boxes are the same as the colours NME use on the front cover (black, white, red and yellow.) The colours contrast and give the appearance of a wild, interesting and unusual magazine. 

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